* @file
* File picker and finder for device storages on Firefox OS devices
* This library provides an easy-to-use asynchronous interface for other Firefox OS apps to search for files
* on Firefox OS devices. The library is based on an event-based architecture, letting developers build
* beautiful asynchronous API for their apps.
* The `Finder` library is best used by developers looking to pick a file from the `sdcard` for their apps.
* This library depends on [EventEmitter](https://github.com/Wolfy87/EventEmitter) by Wolfy87, included with the
* package.
* @version 1.1.3
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author Applait Technologies LLP
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Applait Technologies LLP
* Core Applait namespace for Applait libraries.
* @namespace
var Applait = Applait || {};
* Core `Finder` class. Provides the constructor for applications to instantiate.
* @memberOf Applait
* @constructor
* @property {object} options - Easy access to `options` passed in constructor argument.
* @property {string} type - The type of DeviceStorage specified.
* @property {boolean} hidden - Boolean specifying whether hidden files will be included in search or not.
* @property {boolean} casesensitive - Boolean specifying whether searches will be case sensitive or not.
* @property {boolean} debugmode - Boolean activating or deactivating debug mode.
* @property {array} storages - Array of device storage cursors based on `this.type`.
* @property {number} searchcompletecount - Number of device storages searched through in latest search.
* @property {number} filematchcount - Number of files found in latest search
* @property {string} searchkey - Search term used in last search
* @param {object=} options - Default options for the `Finder` constructor. It can include any of the following
* properties:
* - `type` : `{string}` : Can be one of `sdcard`, `music`, `pictures`, `videos`. Defaults to `sdcard`.
* - `minSearchLength`: `{number}` : The minimum length of search string without which search will not be triggered.
* Defaults to `3`.
* - `hidden`: `{boolean}` : If set to `true`, searches hidden files as well. Defaults to `false`.
* - `caseSensitive` : `{boolean}` : If set to `true`, searches will be case sensitive. Defaults to `false`.
* - `debugMode`: `{boolean}` : If `true`, enables debug mode which logs all messages to the browser console. This
* should be disabled in production mode to reduce memory footprint.
* @example
* var finder = new Applait.Finder({ type: "sdcard", debugMode: true });
Applait.Finder = function (options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.type = this.options.type || "sdcard";
this.hidden = this.options.hidden || false;
this.casesensitive = this.options.caseSensitive || false;
this.minsearchlength = (this.options.minSearchLength && typeof this.options.minSearchLength === "number") ?
options.minSearchLength : 3;
this.debugmode = this.options.debugMode ? true : false;
this.storages = navigator.getDeviceStorages && navigator.getDeviceStorages(this.type);
this.searchcompletecount = 0;
this.filematchcount = 0;
this.searchkey = "";
* Make `Applait.Finder` inherit the `EventEmitter` prototype chain.
Applait.Finder.prototype = new EventEmitter();
* Match hidden files based on settings
* @param {string} filename - The filename to test
* @return {boolean} - `true` if file is a hidden file and if `hidden`
* is `true` in constructor options.
Applait.Finder.prototype.checkhidden = function (fullpath) {
if (fullpath[fullpath.indexOf(".") - 1] === "/" && this.hidden !== true) {
return false;
return true;
* Instantiate search
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
* @param {string} needle - The string to match file names from the device storage.
* @return {null} - Only if `needle` length is less than `minsearchlength` or if no DeviceStorages are found.
Applait.Finder.prototype.search = function (needle) {
var self = this;
self.searchkey = !self.casesensitive ? needle.trim().toLowerCase() : needle.trim();
if (self.searchkey.length < self.minsearchlength) {
["Search string should be at least " + self.minsearchlength + " characters"]);
["Search string should be at least " + self.minsearchlength + " characters"]);
return null;
if (self.storagecount() < 1) {
self.log("empty", [self.searchkey]);
self.emitEvent("empty", [self.searchkey]);
return null;
self.log("searchBegin", [self.searchkey]);
self.emitEvent("searchBegin", [self.searchkey]);
self.storages.forEach(function (storage) {
var cursor = storage.enumerate();
self.log("storageSearchBegin", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
self.emitEvent("storageSearchBegin", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
cursor.onsuccess = function () {
if (this.result) {
var file = this.result;
var fileinfo = self.splitname(file.name);
if (self.matchname(fileinfo.name, file.name)) {
self.log("fileFound", [file, fileinfo, storage.storageName]);
self.emitEvent("fileFound", [file, fileinfo, storage.storageName]);
if (!this.done) {
} else {
self.log("storageSearchComplete", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
self.emitEvent("storageSearchComplete", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
} else {
self.log("storageSearchComplete", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
self.emitEvent("storageSearchComplete", [storage.storageName, self.searchkey]);
if (self.searchcompletecount === self.storagecount()) {
self.log("searchComplete", [self.searchkey, self.filematchcount]);
self.emitEvent("searchComplete", [self.searchkey, self.filematchcount]);
cursor.onerror = function () {
self.log("error", ["Error accessing device storage '" + storage.storageName + "'", this.error]);
self.emitEvent("error", ["Error accessing device storage '" + storage.storageName + "'",
* Splits full file path into basename and path to directory.
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
* @param {string} filename - Filename obtained for `File.filename`
* @return {object} - An object with two keys:
* - `name` - the basename of the file with extension
* - `path` - path to the file's directory.
Applait.Finder.prototype.splitname = function (filename) {
filename = filename.split(/[\\/]/);
return { "name": filename.pop(), "path": filename.join("/") };
* Return the number of storages being used
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
* @return {number} - The length of storages
Applait.Finder.prototype.storagecount = function () {
return this.storages && this.storages.length ? this.storages.length : 0;
* Reset internals
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
Applait.Finder.prototype.reset = function () {
this.filematchcount = 0;
this.searchcompletecount = 0;
this.searchkey = "";
* Generic logging method, dependent on debugMode
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
* @param {string} message - A string identifying this log
* @param {array} args - An array of stuff to print
Applait.Finder.prototype.log = function (message, args) {
if (this.debugmode) {
console.log(message, args);
* Match name
* @memberOf Applait.Finder
* @param {string} name - Filename
* @return {boolean}
Applait.Finder.prototype.matchname = function (name, fullpath) {
name = !this.casesensitive ? name.trim().toLowerCase() : name.trim();
return (name.indexOf(this.searchkey) > -1 && this.checkhidden(fullpath));